Winter Solstice Blessings! Take a fire-inspired journey in this special Solstice visualisation...
To celebrate the Winter Solstice I’ve been doing something a bit different for the month of December on this new podcast.
Inspired by the German Adventkranz I’ve been sharing a Winter Solstice Advent episode in the three Sundays leading up to the solstice ending with today’s final, gift of an episode.
In each episode I have shared moments of wonder from the four alchemical elements:
Fire - 21 December
Today’s final Solstice Advent episode explores the element of fire. If you want to learn more about human’s deep evolutionary relationship with fire I invite you to join The Wild Enchantment Club as the December member-only podcast episode explores this in greater depth (join us before 31 December 2024 to get 50% off for a year).
In this final episode I have created a beautiful Winter Solstice visualisation for you to enjoy.
May the Solstice be a reminder that the way we are forced to live our lives in Western Society is made up and that there are a million different ways to exist and be on this Earth; nature offers us a gentle act of resistance against relentless, endless extractive productivity.
Mentioned in the podcast:
The Wild Enchantment Club December Wonder Quest and Podcast Episode
Lynn CD. Hearth and campfire influences on arterial blood pressure: defraying the costs of the social brain through fireside relaxation. Evol Psychol. 2014 Nov 11;12(5):983-1003. doi: 10.1177/147470491401200509. PMID: 25387270; PMCID: PMC10429110.
Join The Wild Enchantment Club 🌲🌟
The Wild Enchantment Club is a monthly subscription for fiercely tender-hearted wonder-seekers ready to step outside and nurture a devotional practice of noticing nature.
Members get a monthly wonder quest to get you outside and turning your loving attention towards the nature on your doorstep - blossom, birdsong, water ripples. AND a monthly deep dive podcast you can take with you filled with science, folklore and art research about that topic.