What can we learn from the mundane grey winter clouds and spectacular Northern Lights about being alive on this earth?
To celebrate the Winter Solstice I’m doing something a bit different for the month of December on this new podcast.
Inspired by the German Adventkranz I’m going to be sharing a Winter Solstice Advent episode in the three Sundays leading up to the solstice with a final, gift of an episode released on the 21 December.
Each episode will share moments of wonder from the four alchemical elements:
Earth - 1 December
Water - 8 December
Air/Sky - 15 December
Fire - 21 December
Today’s third Solstice Advent episode is all about the ocean of air that protects us from space and gifts us oxygen to breathe.
You’ll journey with me into my local park and woodland in voice notes filled with science and folklore stories on:
The monotony of grey winter clouds (and the incredible Coriolis effect)
The beauty, wonder and mythology of the Northern Lights
Each moment of wonder is a reminder that the small roles we are given in our western society are made up and that there are a million different ways to exist and be on this Earth. In that sense these moments of wonder are a gentle act of resistance.
Mentioned in the podcast:
Circulation of global winds video - Coriolis effect
Earth ‘breathing’ video
Join The Wild Enchantment Club 🌲🌟
The Wild Enchantment Club is a monthly subscription for fiercely tender-hearted wonder-seekers ready to step outside and nurture a devotional practice of noticing nature.
Members get a monthly wonder quest to get you outside and turning your loving attention towards the nature on your doorstep - blossom, birdsong, water ripples. AND a monthly deep dive podcast you can take with you filled with science, folklore and art research about that topic.