Three magical stargazing experiences for your family, friends and yourself

Three magical stargazing experiences for your family, friends and yourself

Create a magical evening of stargazing for yourself, your family or with your friends.

We all have enough 'stuff', yet experiences gift precious moments we'll remember forever.

Whether it's a birthday, Valentine's Day, anniversary or a festive celebration, an evening of stargazing from the comfort of your own home is an unforgettable experience.

🎁 Make it a special gift by presenting your loved ones (or yourself) with a basket filled with hot chocolate sachets, binoculars, blankets and - if you want to make it super easy for yourself - the printed off Winter Stargazing Adventure Pack Guidebook. 

Then set the date (check the weather for clear skies) and try one of these three ideas: 

1. Create magical stargazing experience with your family in your garden 🔥

Take your loved ones with you on a journey into a corner of the Northern Hemisphere’s night sky. Light the firepit, get the deck chairs out with cozy blankets and prepare the hot chocolate and marshmallows ready for a magical evening of stargazing.

 Taking my 5-year-old for a 20 minute stargazing journey has left us both with deeply beautiful memories - she can also now spot the Seven Sisters asterism! And there'll be hot chocolate - what's not to like?


2. Take yourself on a peaceful and inspiring solo stargazing experience from your window 🌟

Romance yourself! Pull a comfy chair to a South-facing window, wrap yourself up in a duvet with a hot chocolate and light a candle ready to gaze up at the stars. Feel how it changes and inspires you.

I have taken many stargazing adventures on my own - just by stepping into our garden and looking out of my window. Each time I see a star cluster or constellation I have taken the time to get to know it is like greeting an old friend. Myths help me connect with the living past - layers of ancestors all seem to appear in the present. I feel part of something much greater than myself.


3. Celebrate with a wonder-filled stargazing experience with friends on your doorstep or the local park 💫

Get some friends together, a few glasses of something to warm you up and spend time together getting to know the night sky right where you live.

One camping holiday with friends we decided to lie down and look at the stars, knowing the Persieds meteor shower was due. Warmed with the campfire and wine we lay down on the hay bales and spotted 3 shooting stars between us!


When you take yourself, friends or family on a stargazing experience, you will:
  • 🌌 Embody a new perspective on your relationship with the night sky right above your head
  • 🔥 Transform the ordinary into the extraordinary
  • 🌿 Feel the peace, magic, awe and wonder that simply being still with the more-than-human world gifts you
☕ So wrap up warm, prepare a flask of hot chocolate and some snacks, light a firepit in your garden or snuggle up on your doorstep or by your window with a candle, duvet and hot water bottle, it’s time to gift yourself and your loved ones an evening of winter stargazing.

Want to eliminate the overwhlem?

If you love these ideas yet you're unlikely to do them because life is hectic and busy and creating a stargazing experience for yourself, your family or your friends can feel overwhelming on top of all the other things in your schedule – you'll love the Winter Stargazing Adventure Pack Guidebook. 

The Pack contains all the information you need to take yourself and your loved ones on a magical stargazing adventure. It adds wonder and magic with mythical stories you can tell little ones and eliminates overwhelm with a clear star chart to help you all how to spot Sirius, Orion and the Seven Sisters (also known as the Lost Children by the Blackfoot tribe of North America/Turtle Island).
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