9 tips for prioritising creative play with nature

9 tips for prioritising creative play with nature

Dreams are the starting point of every revolution, and creativity fuels its fire.” - Gloria Steinem
I'm noticing something bubbling up with the folk in my world - a desire to create. ❤️🌿
I wonder if it's in response to systems collapsing around us? 

Creativity as a response to systems collapsing

As we watch the impact that the continuous extraction of ‘resources’ - human or ‘natural’ are having on the world and her beings, we are longing to create a new way of living.
You may want to start making again too yet you are being kept so busy with work and family and home that at the end of the day you are exhausted without any energy left to make 🤪 (and, let's be honest, you have been made to feel what you make isn't enough, isn't perfect, isn't ‘high brow'.).
Have you ever wondered why that might be? 
In my opinion making and creating is a way to remember we can make and create our lives - that we have agency. ❤️🌿
And that can be a powerful push against the dominating narrative that constant working and extracting from ourselves, fellow humans and the planet will somehow lead to freedom.
So in our Society the threat of creative play to the status quo means it has been deemed a ‘nice luxury extra’.

Prioritising creative play and ignite your imagination and joy

Everyone who has come to me seeking more creativity in their lives has given the following barrier as the main reason stopping them:
“I find it hard to prioritise my creative play”.
❤️🌟 When you start prioritising creative play again your imagination and joy will begin to reignite. 
Through my work I have seen folk who haven't picked up a paintbrush since school start making again.🖌️
They begin playing with natural inks, making marks aligned to the sound of birdsong, creating night sky charts and collaborating with plants to make shadowy eco prints. 

How can you begin to start prioritising creative play?

In my last monthly ‘encouragement talk’ for The Stardust Collective I shared my thoughts on how to prioritise creative play and I share them here with you now too:
  1. ❤️ Figure out why creating is important to you, write it down and stick it somewhere where you’ll see it easily
  2. 🌿Spend time outside in green spaces - life is creativity and being surrounded by life will spark something in you
  3. 🦊Be intentional about making time and space for creativity - block out a day or a couple of weeks where you decide to focus on making
  4. 🕯️ Make your creative time a beautiful experience - make a cosy space outside, light a candle, make a delicious cup of tea, read a poem before you start
  5. 🧭 Decide what you’ll try out in advance to minimise overwhelm (there are lots of creative exercises inside The Stardust Collective you can play with)
  6. 🍂Set a timer for 5 minutes and vow to play just for that time - once you start you'll want to carry on!
  7. 🖋️Focus on quantity not quality - the important part is the process
  8.  Reflect on what worked well and what didn’t work well
  9. 🌟Congratulate yourself!
Lastly and most importantly - tend to yourself. Rest, eat well and care for your body (Spoiler: The starving artist trope is a load of rubbish - more on that another time!). 
Which of the suggestions above will you try?
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